Get Head-hunted without the boss or recruiters knowing who you are
5 Simple steps to get emailed about Sales Jobs without ANYONE (inc recruiters) knowing who you are.
- Complete the brief template below
- Login to your account on
- Click “My profile and Cv” - Tick "Hide my details"
- Upload this template Cv
- Sit back and let the recruiters try and tempt you with their jobs!!!
Copy & paste to a word doc & remember to save every few minutes
Email address: Example -
Currently Location:
Preferred location:
Short profile of my sales experience:
Relevant Keywords: (eg, QFA , Citrix, food, specific to your industry so you come up in searches by recruiters – please delete this text)
Current total annual package inc basic/commission/extra’s:
Target / ideal sales job: (inc location, salary band, industry, availability,)
Current Industry: (/ Fmcg / B2B, IT, Finance, Medical, etc)
1. General description of current employer: (Large international / small irish …..)
Products / Services sold:
Target market:
Sales targets:
Top 3 Achievements: (% of sales target achieved/new accounts opened etc)
2. General description of previous employer:
Products / Services sold:
Target market:
Sales target:
Top 3 Achievements: (% of sales target achieved/new accounts opened etc)