Define Your Skills By Derek O'Reilly
The biggest trap that most people fall into when job hunting is to sell themselves short! So how well do you sell yourself?
Most sales people know that product knowledge, knowing where the product can add value and believing in it all make the sales process so much easier. So how is it that most of us still fail when selling ourselves?
Is it a throwback to a past mindset of “know one likes a bragger” or is it simply that we do not know our own product or service? What I have found is that 9 out of 10 times it’s the latter!
What do you have to offer to an employer looking to fill a specific role? Do you know? Let me put it another way what are your strengths, personality traits, experience, achievements and skills that will convince me that you’re the person I should employ for that role? It’s all about defining your skill set!
The days of spending your whole life in a job for life or simply being defined by a job are long gone within today’s dynamic and buoyant marketplace. We all have natural strengths, personality traits, motivations and skills that are transferable from one role to another.
Step 1
So the first step to selling yourself and becoming buoyant is to be fully aware of your product (what you have to offer or where you add value) to another person or company.
For example a sales person that wants to move into project management or vice versa might do just as well or even better because the new role would be even more aligned with their natural strengths, personality traits, motivations and skills.
Step 2
The second step to selling yourself is the map your natural strengths, personality traits, motivations and skills to the key competencies of the target role. This will not only prepare you for those tricky competency based job interview questions but will also boost your confidence and make you truly believe that you can excel within your new role!
As I said at the start of the article product knowledge, knowing where the value is at for the employer and product belief will not only make your sale much easier but will also make the employer believe that you are what they are looking for.
Remember that there has never been a better time to spread your wings and swoop down to claim that dream role that you deserve. So go on and find out what you have to offer and start selling yourself today!
If you would like to find out more about finding out more about career direction, career change, job hunting or career development you can contact Derek O’Reilly for a free career consultation.
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